Poet’s Corner

A Lasting Love

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I am always quite enthralled

when I see those couples,

sitting on the beach

or walking hand in hand

with weathered faces,

grayed hair,

and perhaps a beat skipped,

in their walk,

who nevertheless seem enthralled

in each other’s company.


I stare intently,

while trying to be discrete,

when a chair is still pulled out

a door held opened,

or the cream is placed near her coffee,

without her having to ask.

I watch as they chat

with each other

over lunch,

not looking for a better vista,

or pretending to read the paper,

but instead focused on the face,

which sits across from them.


They seem happy,

in each other’s company;

and I wonder if it has always been so?

Have they celebrated life’s milestones together?

Are there framed photographs,

of their smiling faces

at birthday parties, weddings and graduations,

resting on a mantel?

Did they hold each other’s hand

during long, restless nights,

sitting in a hospital room

or waiting for a phone call

from a child

who should have been home hours before,

but had not appeared?

Have they watched election returns,

toured the Grand Canyon,

or learned to tango together?


They did not just meet,

you can see that

they are not strangers,

on a first date,

or two lonely people

who did not want to sit

in the movie theater alone,

there is something more

between them – there is history.

They share their popcorn,

and sip from the same soda,

without a second thought.

The gestures between them are subtle,

but sincere.

Neither seems to notice a changing posture

or failing eyesight,

in the person sitting next to them,


as the lights go down,

and the movie title appears,

an arm gingerly reaches around

to an awaiting shoulder.

It is a lasting love.


~ Cristina Jill Mosqueda ~


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